This weekend was a tremendous success, but I'm absolutely exhausted still. It began on Friday (as all weekends do of course) when my shipment arrived from the US. Peanut butter, Easy Mac, Folgers...your basics. And I didn't feel bad for the delivery man, who had to carry the multiple boxes up the four flights of stairs. This, because I knew what was in store for me the next day.
On Saturday morning, I boarded the 8:28am train to Allaman, which is this little town about 25 minutes west of Lausanne toward Geneva. There sits the greatest tourist attraction in all of Europe: IKEA. It was packed when the doors opened at 9am. But by about 11am, I'd gathered up enough items to max out my new little UBS Maestrocard for the day. The Swiss not only like to save your money from others, they like to save it from yourself.
Courtney and Rene Leuenberger arrived not long after this to help me unload the big red van that IKEA rented to me for a couple hours. And up the stairs we began. Boxes and boxes later, my apartment was a disaster zone, but one with furniture. Hours and hours even later, my apartment was still the single largest repository for used cardboard boxes this side of the Atlantic, but it had a bed and a sofa. This, my friends, I consider a great success, considering when I moved in just over a week ago, there was me, my three suitcases, and a single-sleeper air matress.
I like the blog... very entertaining. Nate and I can relate to a lot of this stuff. Keep the blog up indefinitely!